Wednesday, July 9, 2014

#43 Sip-N-Glo - Sam's synopsis

What kind of name is Sip-N-Glo? It's kind of pretentious, don't you think? Even more so than Pure Fare. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but any place that sells expensive juice cleanses is already a bit hokey in my book. And while the people who work at Sip-N-Glo were very friendly, this place is pretty hokey. I mean, if you are trying to tell me that liquid chlorophyll will boost my red blood cell count, I'm really not going to take you seriously (just to be sure, I did a Pubmed search about liquid chlorophyll to see if I could find any reputable scientific evidence about its supposed health benefits - zilch).

There are a variety of fruit smoothies, veggie blends and healthy, "immune boosting" beverages. I did have a sample of one of the monthly special fruit smoothie, and it was tasty - not overly sweet and a good blend of fruits. I for some reason decided I would try one of the healthy faux beverages. I immediately regretted this, and wish I had gotten the smoothie that I had sampled. For some reason, I decided a protein-infused chocolate peanut butter shake sounded good, even though I knew I was going to be eating a lot of food later. First off, this shake was pre-packaged by them, so instead of getting one fresh, I just got to grab one from the fridge. This may be convenient for people who have just finished an intense workout and want something quick, but I would have liked to at least sample it fresh. I don't think it would have mattered though, because it mostly tasted like cardboard and had a sort of chunky consistency. I had maybe 3 sips before I gave up - luckily Sandya's roommate Doug had just finished a very long shift at the hospital and this liquid sustenance was exactly what he was looking for, so my $8 did not go to complete waste.

Some people really enjoy veggie-blended beverages, and I imagine they are pretty good here. The fruit smoothie was certainly enjoyable. But the prices were extremely high (my beverage cost the same as the meal I got at Bap), and the totally-not-true health benefits listed for some of the drinks makes it incredibly unlikely that I will ever return here. Plus, if I want a great smoothie made with fresh fruit for half the price, I'll just hit up one of the many fruit carts in the city.

932 South Street
Philadelphia, PA
(267) 273-0639

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