Tuesday, March 26, 2013

#5 - My Thai - Sam's synopsis

It's a good thing I don't blog professionally, because I am really bad about posting things in an orderly fashion.  To be honest, I used to be really efficient and timely when it came to all things work and non-work related, but nowadays I'm more of the, "ehh, I'll get to it eventually" mentality.  I think it's because I have TOO many things going on, which is both good and bad.  But anyways, before this turns into a livejournal post (yes, those things still exist), let us move on to the actual review.  This is the second-to-last restaurant on the 22nd-23rd stretch of South, so this is very exciting for us as we have been chugging through this block for quite some time.  Our final restaurant on the block is L2, and we may just have some surprise guest bloggers for you, so more reason to keep reading!

This was my second time at My Thai, and I have to say that one of my favorite parts of the restaurant is the decor.  Some people may find it gaudy or mismatched, but it's exactly the type of charm I think a restaurant like My Thai should have - colors everywhere, floral designs and an array of patterns everywhere to match the strange array of menu items (see below for pictures as I am too lazy to write captions tonight).  After perusing the menu, I'm not sure My Thai knows what kind of restaurant it wants to be, because it almost caters too much to the less adventurous eaters out there.
Anyways, moving on... to begin, I ordered a glass of wine which was served in a faux-crystal water glass, which didn't actually bother me all that much but it probably should have because who doesn't serve wine in a wine glass? It was only a little later that I realized they had a cocktail menu, otherwise I would have immediately gone for a rum-filled beverage, but the wine was fine for what it was (who am I kidding I don't really know anything about wine except that I like the taste of it). We decided to order two appetizers, because you gotta go all out when writing a food blog. I chose basil spring rolls, while Sandya ordered some sort of thai-inspired dip.  I enjoyed the spring rolls, they were fried, crispy and not too spicy, but the dip was only okay.  Not super flavorful, and I'm not a fan of shrimp so that made it less appealing in the end.

For dinner, I went with a chicken curry pot.  I think I've mentioned before that spicy food is not up my alley, so I tend to shy away from these things.  This happened to be 2 stars of spicy, and even that was a lot for me.  I am not the person to comment on whether or not the spiciness rating correlated well with the actual spiciness of the dish, but it was almost too much for me.  I ended up eating most of it, but I should have asked them to tone it down.  So I guess that was a fail on my part, because the only thing I can say about flavor is - spicy!  I've used that word too many times now, is there a good synonym for it?  Anyways, taste aside, the quantity was filling and the veggies and rice were fine.  All in all I'd say My Thai was decent - not my first choice for Thai food (that would probably be Lemongrass or Erawan - but then again, are any of these places even close to being authentic?  probably not) but not the worst in the city.  It's in a convenient location for me, but I wouldn't stop in on a whim on my way home from work.

This post wasn't terribly detailed, so I apologize for that.  I'm waiting for an extreme restaurant to go all out in my review - either really, really great or really, really horrible.  So far, most of the places we've hit have been mediocre to above average, so that leads to less exciting reviews.  Either that, or we need to make our experiences that much more exciting.  Perhaps the next review or two will lead to a more entertaining blog post...

My Thai
2200 South St
Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 985-1878

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