Now that summer is fast approaching (although the weather might disagree with that half of the time), Sandya and I will obviously be slacking off more than we already do, since everyone knows that while summer is pegged as a productive time for graduate students because there are no classes, no undergrads, no seminars and aaalllll that time to do research, we have much more important things to occupy our time with, including but not limited to:
Center City Sips, general day drinking, playing tennis, summer blockbuster movies (Into Darkness amirite?), general debauchery, and of course updating our blog!
So basically what I'm trying to say with that really long-winded sentence up there is that you should expect more frequent updates from us, now that all our crazy personal business has calmed down and the season of procrastination is upon us.
Another exciting event to look forward to is an interactive map of all the spots we've visited and where we're headed next! We're currently in the planning stages and looking into how to make our ideas a reality, so hopefully within the next few months we'll unveil a new exciting feature to our blog.
Speaking of more fun exciting events, you have hopefully read our very first guest blog for L2. This is something that we want to continue for the occasional saunter, so if you are interested in guest blogging let us know - we love having company.
And finally, one final event to look forward to is Sam and Sandy's Seven Day Saunter, where we go to seven restaurants in seven days - should be an epic event happening some time in June or July, so stay tuned! Lots of exciting things to look forward to this summer!
Evan did such a great job with his review, that I'm just going to post a few pictures to summarize my time at L2 - but I agree, good company makes any experience worth it.
I rather enjoyed my chicken pot pie - it was filling and made for lunch the next day |
old timey portraits. I think they were in the bathroom but they may have been hanging on the wall next to us |
yep, someone was embarrassed about bringing a box of tampons to the restaurant (hint: it wasn't me) |
Sandya and I just got back from Omega Pizza tonight, so expect a review by the end of the weekend for that.